Patient Reviews

Courtney Cunniff,

“Dr Wu has completely changed my life and I cannot recommend him more. I’ve been to lots of acupuncturists over the years when I lived in NYC and Chicago, but I moved to LA in March of 2019 and have been seeing Dr Wu regularly since. He is a true healer. He has regulated my periods and helped with my anxiety tremendously. I also feel generally more aware of my body and am better able to recognize anything I need his help with. I’ve come in a few times upset or stressed and always feel so much better after my session. I think of him and Lily as my acupuncture family! I love them! Also Dr Wu is mind blowingly intuitive – my first visit he knew I went through a tough breakup when I was 23 (no clue how he would’ve known that). He’s amazing!”

Date: January 2020

Jaz Spencer,

“Dr. Baolin Wu Successfully Treated My Chronic Migraine Headache. When I was about fourteen years old, I started to have intense headaches. The headaches would always take place on the right temple of my head, emerge faintly, and over half an hour, grow very painful. They averaged three hours in length and the worst, lasting six hours, were accompanied by a watery right eye and runny right nostril. In the beginning, they consistently arose at 10a.m. However, seasonally inconsistent, they would often disappear completely during the summer months and vice versa over time. Over the years, they became more common and erratic, occurring as frequently as twenty-four times a month, and occasionally twice per day. For two months, I kept track of every headache on a calendar, along with my sleep, food, alcohol, and physical activity. Desperately searching for correlations to no avail, I saw local neurologists. Their recommendations included an endless supply of pain killers, caffeine, fish oil, and stretching routines. Their advice failed to help. I suffered from these headaches for a decade until finding Dr. Baolin Wu. Dr. Wu’s treatments involved electro-acupuncture and thought exercises, paired with herbal medicine. The treatment almost immediately reduced the quantity and intensity of my headaches. I have now gone two months without a single headache, which has literally changed my life. Treatments from Dr. Wu reduced my suffering, but also revealed to me how connected my thoughts are with my well-being. Recently, I had been working on my car and made a detrimental mistake. Habitually tough on myself, I got frustrated, angry, stressed, and spiraled into a closed loop of negative thought. I felt the faint beginnings of a headache and, in that moment, I chose to change. I chose to forgive myself and relax. I told myself that everything is going to be fine, and even if the worst case scenario happened, I would be fine. I would get past that moment and be smarter for it. I forced myself into a positive thought loop, and the pressure in my temple that usually manifests into a headache simply went away. Since that moment I have noticed similar situations while thinking of myself, my relationships, and my work. Dr. Wu has done more than relieve me of a terrible pain, he has enlightened me to the chemistry of my state of mind. Dr. Wu is a true hero in my life, and I will be forever grateful.”

Thank you , Dr. Wu

Jaz Spencer

Date: 11/11/2019

Anne Kerry Ford,

Actress & Writer

“Dr. Wu concerns himself with complete wellness. He treats the entire person… physically, psychologically and emotionally. He facilitates the proper flow of Qi, enabling one to fulfill their whole human potential.”

Uddhava Om, D.O.,

Physician & Healer

“In my experience, Dr Wu exemplifies the ancient Daoist wisdom of China. He personally assisted me in attaining a deeper experience of spirit and greater physical vitality.”

George Gerdes,


“I had a chronic cough for several years before discovering Dr. Wu. The constant antibiotics from my Western doctor were not helping. With a combination of Qi Gong, herbs and acupuncture, Dr. Wu cured me very quickly. I strongly recommend Dr. Wu to anyone with or without a health problem because of the incredible power of Qi Gong.”


Computer Programmer

“I came to Dr. Wu because I had been diagnosed with cancer and diabetes. By strengthening my immune system, Dr. Wu enabled me to fight the cancer cells, which now appear to be in remission. With continued treatment, Dr. Wu brought my blood sugar down from a dangerous level to an acceptable level without the use of insulin. If not for Dr. Wu’s Qi Gong treatments, I might not be alive today.”


“Hello Dr. Wu (and Lily and Michael), You said that Alex would be changing and she certainly is! Her grades for the past two years have been very poor. She has begun this school year with new enthusiasm and is right now getting straight A’s! Her body and body fluids smell almost normal; she is much more cheerful and confident. She seems to take better care of herself and is not resisting taking her herbs. And, for the first time in five years, she has decided she wants to play soccer. She has begun playing with a community team just to get fit and for enjoyment. I know these changes are thanks to you. I am very grateful to be getting my cheerful daughter back!”


“You will be happy to know that little Vavara Barbieri recently had another MRI of the brain. I am told that the little piece of tumor the surgeons could not remove is not growing at this time.

On October 5th, 2005 I found myself at UCLA emergency room violently ill. After a week of tests and ultra sounds an 8.4 cm bleeding cyst was found on my right ovary. I had no idea how big it was until someone explained it was the size of a tennis ball. I was told there was danger of it rupturing so I was to avoid all types of activity and watch it carefully in the hope it might shrink.

I had been going to Dr. Wu for the last several months for some other issues and I immediately went to see him about my cyst. He told me we could shrink it but it would take time. I decided to take two roads, one to try to actively shrink it with acupuncture while continuing to work with my western doctors. A few weeks went by and the cyst was getting only slightly smaller and I seemed to have developed a night fever. I sought out a western specialist. After examining me, he said we would need to remove the ovary and possibly other female organs. When I protested he replied I shouldn’t be concerned since I had “another one” and he had a “closet” of hormones. He then instructed me to make an appointment with his staff. I left his office in a state of shock. In addition, my research on the internet also seemed to point to removal of the ovary.

The pressure to remove the ovary was pervasive. I was under enforced rest so the cyst wouldn’t rupture and the treatments often left me exhausted. The months went slowly by with no guarantee that the cyst would shrink However, Dr. Wu was steadfast in his determination to save my ovary. He explained that western medicine cannot duplicate our own natural hormones. That unfortunately western medicine is geared to cutting and removing. He practically begged me to please give it time and let the teas and herbs have a chance. So I continued the treatments. Several times a week acupuncture, (the cigar) and jugs and jugs of not very tasty herbal tonics became my life. I also used castor oil packs and lots of rest. During this time I kept monitoring the cyst and had also found a western doctor who was willing to work with me and Dr. Wu in shrinking the cyst. Slowly as the months passed the cyst began to get smaller. Finally, nine and a half months later the ultra sound showed it was gone.

I can unequivocally say that Dr. Wu’s insistence, support and explanations made all the difference in my decision to fight with everything I had to save my ovary. We never took risks and was constantly monitoring and making sure that the cyst was not putting me in a dangerous situation. It took close to a year and became the focus of my life, but I do not regret my course of action. I also know I could not have done it without Dr. Wu’s wisdom, strength and determination and his wonderful staff, Lily and Michael.”


“Thank you so much. I can tell that this book is powerful and I am feeling very called to practice. I have been reading qigong books for years now, different ones that I buy and this is the one that calls me the strongest. Perhaps it is as they say, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I would love to get copies of the VHS tapes. I think this would help me. I understand that Dr. Wu would change things slightly depending on the animal zodiac. This resonates with me. I believe in doing things in season and with the strongest energy. I’m so excited. Please let me know.”


“Dear Dr. Wu,

I have been reading your Qi Gong book for about 8 days now. My practice now consists of ears, neck, shoulders and flicking of hands.

I am a nurse on a Surgical Step down ICU at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan.

On February 21 and 22 I had a patient who was being monitored for a seizure that she had (post cranitomy and radiation treatment). She developed left sided weakness (upper and lower extremity) after the seizure. Her hand grasp and foot flexions were limp.

My shifts are for 12.5 hours (overnight) and I usually try to find time lead patients like this with dexterity exercises. I also when possible give them a light massage targeted to the weak limb.

I the case of this patient I decided to try some QI Gong that I learned from your book.

She was really happy that I was suggesting that we do this because she was actually in Acupuncture school before she was diagnosed with cancer.

I asked the patient to hold her bad hand with her good hand and bring them close to her heart. – I recalled from your book that the center of the hands and center of the feet were heart points.  I also told her to do the finger flicking (9 per digit and then all at once) – and I told her that according to your book this exercise may have been one of the original 13 QI GONG movements ever developed. I also massaged her hand – with attention to the center of the palm.

After the work I asked her to squeeze my palm. She for the first time was able to squeeze with a dynamic impulse. We were both surprised. I left the room thinking that it was a one off — she had after all not done this for the seven days she this limb was weakened.

I came back to check on her after my break. Her sister has just arrived and when I asked her to squeeze my hand we all ‘jumped in our shoes’ when we saw that she actually could grasp it with dynamism!

I think that this ability was in her to begin with and that the Qi Gong from your book stimulated her in a very effective way.

It was an amazing experience and very affirming for the patient and myself.

The following night I tried to work on her foot weakness but was unable to make the advances that were ‘accomplished’ the night before on the hand grasp.

I wanted to Thank You. Somehow your written book seems to have a capacity to convey real material.

With warm regards,”